When we choose travel accommodations for Adventurous Retirement, we look for the following:
- Convenient location with easy access to the points of interest we prefer.
- Scenic and quiet area (although, we will tell you about the busier locations).
- Comfortable bed.
- Friendly owner or management that is attentive to requests.
- Accommodations that are in good shape overall.
- Reasonable cost.
Travel accommodations for Adventurous Retirement that do not fit all of these quickly go to the bottom of the list, or are taken off the list. There have been times when I can’t get all of these, so I do prioritize.
For our US multi-night stays, driving south on the East Coast and for our time in Florida, we used several sites to book our travel accommodations for Adventurous Retirement – Booking.com (our #1 choice) and AirBnB for apartments, condos, rooms and BnBs. All but one time, I chose something other than a hotel with more of a local flavor; Booking.com and AirBnB gave me all of the information I needed to make the right choice. So far we have both truly liked our choices much more than hotels.
If you are using AirBnB for the first time and would like a coupon code for a discount, please ask me by sending an email to Wendy@AdventurousRetirement.com.
If you prefer hotels, my preference is Hampton Inn, unless you are looking for high end. In my experience traveling for both business and pleasure, Hampton Inns are clean, with very comfy beds, and the staff is quite friendly and helpful. They also include a nice breakfast with lots of healthy (and unhealthy choices), and free Wi-Fi. Rarely will we stay in a high end hotel when traveling between destinations. We would rather spend the money on an adventure once we arrive at our destination rather than travel accommodations.
Feel free to post your request for specific recommendations in comments or contact us directly with your inquiries using this form.