7 Great Reasons to choose a Curacao Vacation

Curacao is by far our favorite island, due to 7 great reasons to choose a Curacao vacation. Curacao offers a gorgeous Caribbean setting with breathtaking sights.  We’ve been to many Caribbean islands and traveled extensively.  Curacao is our top choice because of its diversity in geology, people, culture, beaches, food, and the sea with wonderful snorkel and dive sites.

7-great-reasons-to-choose-a-curacao-vacation-Old town Willemstad -an UNESCO World Heritage Site

Curacao is a great place for people who like variety, lots of activities, and also for those who prefer to relax on gorgeous beaches.  Curacao is often a great stop on many Caribbean Cruises too. There are so many things to do in Curacao, including many free things to do.

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Great Barrier Reef – To Visit or Not?

Great Barrier Reef

Hawksbill turtle image credit Sola HayakawaGreat Barrier Reef (GBR) is touted as a special place, and has been on my bucket list for a long time. The question remains – ‘Is it still the special place it once was, and worth a visit?’

Having been there for 10 days in 2017, I have a strong opinion about whether it is worth spending the time and money, or not. It is not strictly a ‘yes or no answer.’ Check out our experience and my recommendations… Continue reading

Daintree National Park and Cape Tribulation – Why visit?

Daintree In Queensland Australia

Walu Wugirriga view from Mount Alexandra lookoutDaintree National Park – a visit promises a variety of unique opportunities to see rare flora, fauna, and coastal vistas. It boasts exquisite scenery of waterfalls, gorgeous remote coastline and beaches, and the Mossman Gorge for an experience of Aborigine culture. This park is in the extreme Northern part of Queensland, considered the ‘Wet Tropics’ of Australia. The lush biodiversity with swamps and mangroves, eucalyptus woodlands, various birds, including cassowaries (a beautiful rare bird, and only 1000 left) is an extraordinary experience. Daintree is one of the few places in the world where the rainforest meets a coral reef (Great Barrier Reef).  Check it out … Continue reading

A Colorful Journey Through Morocco

Morocco – A Colorful Journey

Tile facade of Morocco buildingHave you ever wanted to immerse yourself in a non-western culture, something totally different, exotic, and colorful?  My friend Gail wanted to celebrate her birthday by experiencing a totally different environment from her norm.  After 2 months of research on Morocco, and with the help of hotel owner from Skoura named L’ma, Gail planned their own private experience.  Her own trip was less expensive than standard packages and just as nice.

This article takes you through the colorful two week tour that she and husband Mitch experienced, and what they loved about Morocco.

Morocco Travel – What was different? Continue reading